
Metal Earth

$31.99 CAD each
min qty: 4

  • SKU: MMS270G
  • AVAILABILITY: Back Order

C-3PO, sometimes spelled See-Threepio, often referred to as Threepio and by some as 3-So, was a 3PO-series protocol droid designed to interact with organics, programmed primarily for etiquette and protocol. He was fluent in over six million forms of communication, and developed a fussy and worry-prone personality throughout his many decades of operation. Along with his counterpart, the astromech droid R2-D2, C-3PO constantly found himself directly involved in pivotal moments of galactic history, and aided in saving the galaxy on many occasions. 2 sheets of metal

Weight: 0.46 kg (1.01 lb)
Height: 1.2 cm (0.47 in)
Length: 18 cm (7.09 in)
Width: 13 cm (5.12 in)