2000 pcs, Zigic, The World


$57.99 CAD each
min qty: 1

  • SKU: 78-29845

Croatian artist Rajko Zigic has made highly detailed maps his artistic specialty. He is drawing his inspiration from ancient cartographic works and old stories about treasure maps, conquerors and explorers. His aim is to present geographical information in such an appealing way as to get everyone excited about giving it a second glance. Heye’s Map Art collection includes elaborately designed and detailed puzzles. The map illustrations come in a variety of styles and contain information and educational extras. 2000 pcs + Poster Puzzle dimensions: 68.8 x 96.6 cm

Weight: 1.32 kg (2.91 lb)
Height: 8.5 cm (3.35 in)
Length: 27 cm (10.63 in)
Width: 37 cm (14.57 in)